Just a reminder! The CJHS/Red Cross Blood Drive will take place on Tuesday, April 16th, from 3:00-7:00 in the CJHS cafeteria. CJHS students who send a donor to the Blood Drive will receive a drawstring sports bag
Click this link to make an appointment: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=CarlyleCommunity

Last night CJHS hosted the Clinton County Music Festival in the CJHS Gymnasium. Students were hand selected from music programs throughout Clinton County and spent several hours preparing for the event. Nearly 180 students participated.
Congratulations to the following CJHS students for being selected to participate:
For Band:
Madison Young
Rachel McDuffey
Brody Clifford
Chance Brewer
For Choir:
Kaleb Young
Kassidy Young
Layna Livingston

Updated Job Postings
All the information can be found on our website at https://www.carlyle1.org/page/employment

Just a reminder!
The CJHS/Red Cross Blood Drive will take place on Tuesday, April 16th, from 3:00-7:00 in the CJHS cafeteria.
Click this link to make an appointment:


April Lunch Menu!

Students in Ms. Schmitt's 7th grade science classes extracted the DNA out of strawberries! It was a blast!!

Carlyle Community Blood Drive will be held on April 16th at CJHS!

Trivia Night to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!

2024 Carlyle Jr. High School Track & Field Schedule
Go Indians!

Another fun lab experiment for 5th grade! This time the students are testing the solubility of 4 mystery substances!!

Can wood, aluminum, nylon, acrylic, brass and/or copper conduct electricity? Ask your fifth grader!

8th Grade Graduation has been set! We hope to see you all there!!

Attention Graduating 8th Grade Students!! Graduation gowns are now available for pick up in the office. The cost is $20.00. Your gown must be paid for at the time of pick up. Cash or check is acceptable, please make checks payable to Carlyle Jr. High School.

4-H Family Fun Day!

Congratulations to Josh, Julie, and Gracie, who represented Carlyle CUSD 1 at the Illinois Principal's Association Student Recognition Breakfast!! They were each selected based on specific criteria from each of the schools in Carlyle. Our TRIBE is so proud of all of you!! Keep up the GREAT work!

Congratulations to our 3rd Quarter Honor Roll and High Honor Roll students!!

Join our team! Carlyle CUSD #1 is currently seeking applicants for several coaching positions for the 2024-2025 school year- High School Cheerleading, Jr. High Cheerleading and Jr. High Baseball. In addition, we are also seeking applicants for Bus Drivers. Please see our website for additional information- https://www.carlyle1.org/page/employment

CJHS is in need of additional baseball/softball photos from the fall of this school year! If you have any photos you do not mind sharing to be placed in the yearbook, please email them to cjhsyearbook@carlyle1.org.
Please note, photos must be of Carlyle Junior High students and must be from the school year 23/24. If you could please email them by this Thursday.