ATTENTION 8TH GRADE FAMILIES: 8th graders' last day of attendance will be Friday, May 13, 2022. We will have graduation practice in the morning of the 13th from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Carlyle High School. All 8th grade students should still arrive at their normal time on May 13 and attend classes until dismissal for practice. 8th grade students will be able to be picked up after practice at 12:15 p.m. from the Carlyle Junior High library. A parent/guardian will need to be there to sign them out. If they need to stay at school all day they can. All other grades will be dismissed at the normal dismissal time. 8th grade students will need to be at Carlyle High School in the library by 6:15 p.m. that evening May 13 for graduation. As a suggestion, dress for graduation is appropriate attire (pants, slacks and a nice shirt (polo) and nice dress). Please call the Jr. High office if you have any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Mrs. Kuhl's group is enjoying the up, the trip to the top of the Arch!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Arch Pic 1
Arch Pic 2
Arch Pic 3
When Cinco De Mayo is fast approaching and Mrs. Kuhl's 5th grade math needs to practice multiplication, why not combine the two and create festive decorations for the hallway at the same time?
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Cinco De Mayo Pic 1
Cinco De Mayo Pic 2
Cinco De Mayo Pic 3
Cinco De Mayo Pic 4
8th grade class are ready for their day at Six Flags. These students worked hard all year and we are excited their hard work paid off. ENJOY YOUR DAY 8TH GRADE! #prideinthetribe
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
8th Grade Six Flags Trip
Carlyle Junior High school sold "No Indian Fights Alone" bracelets as a reminder of Ali Schubel's battle with cancer. The two students shown are Samantha who donated $100 of her very own money and Daegan who organized and sold some of the bracelets one Sunday morning at the church he attends. His Life Church members donated hundreds of dollars and Daegan said they even gave money after he ran out of bracelets! It's been said "it takes a village". Thankfully, we live in this kind and supportive one. On behalf of CJHS $1,780.00 is going to Ali Schubel!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Ali Check Pic 1
2022 Carlyle Indians Basketball Camp forms are available in the CJHS office. If interested, please fill out the application and return it by MAY 25, 2022 or contact Andy Palmer at home (559-1450) or at school (594-2453), ext. 2212. APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 25, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
2022 Carlyle Indians Basketball Camp
2022 Carlyle Indians Basketball Camp Pg 2
2022 Carlyle Lady Indians Volleyball Camp forms are available in the CJHS office. Each camper receives a t-shirt, deadline for a t-shirt is June 17, 2022. Please make check payable to: Carlyle High School Volleyball and send entry fee/form to: Carlyle High School, Attn: Coach Loni Smith, 1461 12th Street, Carlyle, IL. Any questions, contact Coach Smith (618) 978-8171.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
2022 Carlyle Lady Indians VBall Camp
2022 Carlyle Lady Indians Girls Basketball Camp forms are available in the CJHS office. Please turn in page 2 of the information sheet and payment to your school office or Coach Kuhn at the High School in an envelope marked CHS Girls Basketball Camp no later than THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2022 to be guaranteed a t-shirt.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
2022 Carlyle Lady Indians BBall Camp Pg 1
2022 Carlyle Lady Indians BBall Camp Pg 2
Reminder for 8th grade students: Graduation gowns are now available for pick up in the Carlyle Jr. High office. The cost is $20.00. Please make checks payable to Carlyle Jr. High School. Your gown must be paid for at the time of pickup. Also, CJHS Yearbook orders are DUE in the CJHS office by MAY 2, 2022. The cost for the 2021-2022 yearbook is $20.00. Please make checks payable to Carlyle Jr. High School.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Reminder Pic
Congratulations to our Jr High golfers as they competed at Regionals today. We were represented well with 6 athletes advancing to the State Meet! Ava Meyer placed 1st, Addie Gansauer was 3rd, Meghan Edwards was 4th, and Abby Steinkamp was 6th! Gannon Meyer finished 2nd and Ethan Wheelan 8th! The state finals are May 10 at Rend Lake Golf Course. #prideinthetribe
almost 3 years ago, Annie Gray
coaching golf
girls golf
all golfers
boys golfers
5th grade enjoyed Earth Day at Carlyle Lake! Thank you to all who make this special day happen for our students and community!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Earth Day Electric
Earth Day Pic 1
Earth Day Snake 1
Earth Day Snake 2
Congratulations to our March Students of the Month! Great job Indians! #prideinthetribe
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
March Students of the Month
CJHS is taking orders for 2021-2022 yearbooks. Order forms have been sent home with the students this week. Extra order forms are available in the office. The cost for the yearbook is $20.00. Make checks payable to Carlyle Junior High School. Please turn in cash or check into the office by May 2, 2022. Very few extra copies will be available so you must pre-order the yearbook to guarantee delivery.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Yearbook 2022
Blood Drive at CJHS
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Blood Drive
Attention 8th grade students: Graduation gowns are now available for pick up in the Carlyle Jr. High office. The cost is $20.00. Your gown must be paid for at the time of pickup. Please make checks payable to Carlyle Jr. High School.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Purple Gown
The Jr High and Grade School students got a preview of our Spring Musical Annie Jr. The cast and crew did an amazing job!! Come out Thursday, Friday or Saturday (April 7th-9th) at 7:00 p.m. to see the show!!
almost 3 years ago, Annie Gray
Annie Jr Cast
Carlyle CUSD #1 is currently seeking applicants for the 2022-2023 school year for the following positions: Speech Pathologist, 8th Grade ELA teacher, and 2 Class Size Reduction teachers at the Grade School. More information can be found on our website at
almost 3 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
8th Grade ELA
Class Size Red Teacher
Speech Path Posting
Ms. Nielsen's science class is busy exploring energy transfer. This week they built their own roller coasters and spent time exploring how high the hills can be to build a deeper understanding between hills and energy.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Nielsen science class pic 1
Nielsen science class pic 2
Nielsen science class pic 3
Nielsen science class pic 4
These were created by Katie, Emma, Taylor and Cameryn. We're thinking of you Ali!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Ali Pic 1
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! Great job Indians! #prideinthetribe
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Towell
FEB 21-22 Students of the Month