In Mrs. Kuhl's 5th grade math class, the yearly pentominoes challenge was on!!
Only two groups managed to find all 12 shapes that can be made in the time given......some amazing thinking happening here!!
Thursday is Team Gear Thursday (Wear your favorite College/Pro Apparel).
Friday is Tribe Pride Friday (Wear Your Carlyle Apparel).
Tribe Pride Friday tomorrow! Don't forget to wear your Carlyle Indian apparel to school! Show your school spirit and represent the purple and gold!! Go Indians!!
Just a reminder: All students who are being dropped off at school by family/friends should be dropped off at the East Entrance to the building. Only bus riders should be dropped off in front of the Main (South) Entrance to the building.
Carlyle Grade School is seeking applicants for an Individual Aide. Please see job posting on our website at:
CJHS Open House for students and parents/guardians tonight. 5th grade Open House will be from 5:00-6:00 PM. 6th-8th grade Open House will be from 6:00-7:00 PM. Students and parents/guardians will be able to pick up their schedules in the hallway inside the main entrance, put items in their lockers, locate their classrooms, and meet their teachers.
2022 Jr. High Baseball Roster
8th Grade
Gannon Meyer
Jax Johnson
Eric VonHatten
Jacob VonHatten
Daegen Foster
Seth Fruend
7th Grade
Kendon Marcketti
Dean Frank
Bennett Snyder
Colin Rahm
Cash Waner
Ethan Peebles
Austin Johnson
Spencer Fruend
Landen Hempen
Jackson Davison
Eli Gray
Richard Wesling
Trenton Vogt
Benson Schmeink
6th Grade
Vinny Huels
Dalton Apple
Drew Selle
CJHS will be having Open House for students and parents/guardians on Thursday, August 11th. 5th grade Open House will be from 5:00-6:00 PM. 6th-8th grade Open House will be from 6:00-7:00 PM. Students and parents/guardians will be able to pick up their schedules in the cafeteria, put items in their lockers, locate their classrooms, and meet their teachers.
First day of student attendance is Monday, August 15th.
Baseball and Softball tryouts are cancelled for Thursday August 4th. Tryouts will be moved to Friday (8/5) and Monday (8/8).
Baseball 8am-10am
Softball 830am-10am
Please see Carlyle School Districts updated list of vacancies:
Newly added...6th Grade Science Teacher and Grade School Cook. We are also still looking for HS English, 2nd Grade and Special Education Teachers
Attention Carlyle Junior High Parents and Guardians:
Reminder that registration is August 2nd from 8am-7pm in the Carlyle High School Library.
CJHS will be having Open House for students and parents/guardians on Thursday, August 11th.
5th grade Open House will be from 5:00-6:00 PM.
6th-8th grade Open House will be from 6:00-7:00 PM.
Students and parents/guardians will be able to pick up their schedules in the cafeteria, put items in their lockers, locate their classrooms, and meet their teachers.
First day of student attendance is Monday, August 15th.
Please Share....Carlyle School District is looking to fill the following positions: High School ELA Teacher, 5th Grade Social Studies Teacher, 2nd Grade Class Size Reduction Teacher and Grade School Special Education Teacher. We also have openings for an Individual Aide and a Custodian at the High School. Please see the full listing at
Registration on the 8to18 website for our upcoming 2022-2023 sports seasons at Carlyle Jr High School is now open! Please click on the Registration tab and register today. order to tryout for any sport, you will need to be registered and have a current physical on file in the CJHS Office. Please register today and bring, send or email your physical to the Jr High office if you are planning on trying out for a fall sport.
Attention Baseball and Softball players!
Junior High Baseball tryouts will be August 4th and 5th from 8:00-10:00 AM.
Junior High Softball tryouts will be August 4th and 5th from 8:30-10:00 AM.
CJHS Baseball Tryouts - 6th-8th grade
August 4th & 5th 8:00 am-10:00 am at the field behind the Jr. High.
All participants must have an up to date physical on file at Carlyle Junior High.
Carlyle School District is still looking to fill a few teaching positions (High School Math, High School Business & Grade School Special Education). We are also still looking for a full time custodian at the High School. The positions are posted on our website and at
JOB POSTING- Carlyle High School has an opening for a Business Teacher. We are also currently taking applications for a Custodian at the High School and Bus Drivers. More information and all of our openings can be found on our website at
Please share....Carlyle Grade School is looking for a Special Education Teacher and Carlyle High School is looking for Math Teachers. More information and additional postings can be found on our website:
Carlyle Jr. High and High School have several openings for coaching positions for the 2022-2023 school year. Please share with those that might be interested.
Yearbooks are HERE! They can be picked up today and tomorrow between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Jr. High office. They can also be picked up next week Tuesday through Thursday, but please call the Jr. High office (594-8292) before being picked up. Otherwise, they will be available at registration.