If you would like to know more information about the County Schools Facility Sales Tax, here is the recording of the Superintendent Facebook Live town hall meeting from Monday night: https://youtu.be/gApget8IJak
almost 2 years ago, Annie Gray
Just a reminder... CJHS 7th and 8th graders will be IAR testing this week. 5th graders will be taking the IL Science Assessment. Please make sure you are well rested and ready for testing. Also, 7th and 8th graders, if you have headphones, please bring them to school this week to assist you with IAR testing.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
Here is our updated Vacancy List. Additional information can be found on our website at https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment Please Share!!
almost 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Vac List 3 24 23
A big THANK YOU to Carlyle Rotary for presenting certificates and gift cards to all of our 8th grade Students of the Month! Carlyle Rotary member Andrew Zieren came to CJHS today to present the awards. Pictured, l to r: Rotary representative Andy Zieren, and past Student of the Month winners: Landry Steinkamp, Ava Meyer, Maggie Bass, Cooper Diekemper, Logan Dall, and the February 2023 Student of the Month, Reggie Dakhoul.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
Rotary SOTM
Mark your calendars!! The Clinton County Superintendents will be hosting a Facebook Live event on Monday, March 27th at 7:00 p.m. to share information and answer questions about the County Schools Facility Sales Tax that is on the ballot April 4th. Join us virtually on the Friends of Clinton County (IL) Schools Facebook page. If you have specific questions you would like answered please email them to Annie Gray at agray@clinton.k12.il.us or call her office at 594-8283.
almost 2 years ago, Annie Gray
Lets Chat
Thank you to those that were able to come to our informational meetings this afternoon/evening. Here is a flyer shared at tonight's meeting. Please share
almost 2 years ago, Annie Gray
One Percent Flyer
Reminder! 8th Grade Students need to have money for lunch or a sack lunch for the field trip tomorrow!
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
Attention CJHS Families! Group photos of the following clubs/activities will be taken at 8:00 AM on April 5th (the day before spring break starts) for the yearbook : Scholar Bowl Peer Helpers Library Helpers Student Council FFA PJ Committee Choir Band Team Quest Spelling Bee Winners (School Wide)
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
Congratulations to our 3rd Quarter High Honor Roll and Honor Roll students. Keep up the great work! #prideinthetribe
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Towell
QTR 3 Honor Roll
QTR 3 High Honor
Carlyle JrH Cheerleading Information Night will be held on April 3rd from 6:00-7:00 PM. Tryouts for next year will be held on April 11th and 12th. See the attached flyer for additional information.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
Congratulations to our 5th and 6th grade Students of the Month from February Ziva Renschen and Aubri Edwards! Keep up the great work!
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
Carlyle School District will be hosting two informational meetings for our families in regards to the 1% Sales Tax (Clinton County-County School Facilities Sales Tax) next Wednesday (3/22). The meetings will cover the same information, but will give our families the opportunity to attend the time that best works for you.
almost 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Informational Meeting
Attention CJHS families! We have finalized 3rd quarter report cards earlier than expected, so we will be sending them home with students tonight. Your student(s) will not only be coming home with their 3rd quarter report card, but also with last year's IAR score report sheet. Reminder that IAR testing for 5th and 6th grade will begin on Monday, March 20th. 7th and 8th grade will take the IAR the week of Monday, March 27th.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
Congratulations to Patrick St. John and Reggie Dakhoul! They were named the 7th and 8th grade Students of the Month for February! Keep up the great work guys!
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
8/7 SOTM
Tomorrow evening from 5:30-6:30 will be a Player/Parent Information Meeting for the CJHS Golf Team. The meeting will be held in the CJHS cafeteria.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) is the state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. IAR assesses the New Illinois Learning Standards and will be administered in English/Language Arts and Mathematics to all students in grades 3-8. ​In compliance with federal testing requirements, Illinois will administer the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) to students enrolled in a public school district in grades 5, 8 and 11. The assessment will be administered in an online format and is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards for Science incorporating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which were adopted in 2014. CJHS students in 5th and 6th grade will be taking the IAR and the ISA the week of March 20th. Our 7th and 8th graders will be taking IAR and ISA the week of March 27th.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
Mark your calendar! CJHS will be having The Spring Fling Dance on Friday, April 14th. Casual dress. Please see the flyer for times.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
Spring Fling
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Towell
Spring Fling Pic 1
Today is the end of the 3rd Quarter. Students will be bringing home 3rd Quarter report cards on Friday, March 17th. As a reminder, you can always access student grades through the Grade Portal at: https://cc1.powerschool.com/public/
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Teasley
CJHS scholar bowl team participated in a match last Saturday at Central High School. Spencer Freund won an individual trophy for answering 31 toss ups. #prideinthetribe
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Towell
SB Pic 1
SB Pic 2
SB Pic 3