FFA members pose for a photo in front of the Build Conference Banner

By: Jacob Ruscher

On November 25 and 26, six junior FFA members will attend the FFA BUILD

Conference at Illinois State University to learn new things and develop personal skills.

The FFA BUILD Conference is a leadership development event put on by the Illinois

FFA organization. The purpose of the conference is to provide high school students with

opportunities to grow personally and build their leadership skills through workshops, speakers,

and interactive sessions.

Junior FFA members attending the FFA BUILD Conference are Maddy Rae Schomaker,

Katelyn Davison, Audrey Rahm, Kyra Beckemeyer, Kaelyn Cox, Alannah Sarclette, Mary Ann

Brown, and Brianna Blankenship.

“The BUILD Conference is an excellent opportunity for students to develop personal and

leadership skills that will lead them to success, along with meeting with different businesses and

career opportunities,” said FFA adviser Tammy Gerstenecker.

At the event, students will have the chance to “Interact with other FFA members from

throughout the state and State FFA officers.”

“I am excited to meet people from other schools who have the same interests as me,” said

junior FFA member Alannah Sarclette.