features red and green graphics and says Students Raise Funds for Community Project

Carlyle High School held a boys volleyball tournament on Nov. 4 to raise money for the

angel tree project.

The angel tree project benefits Carlyle Grade School students in need during the holiday

season. The angel tree will be set up by Nov. 15 in the office and will stay up for a couple of


The tournament is a CHS tradition that has been going on for three years.

Participants on each team were chosen by the class president of each grade level.

Admission for the volleyball tournament was one dollar per person, which raised $117

towards the angel tree project.

Each grade level had matching t-shirts which were designed by Makenna Reckling and

pressed by Carlyle FBLA members.

Each class wore their class color for the games. The seniors wore white. The juniors wore

black. The sophomores wore purple. The freshmen wore yellow. The teachers’ shirts were


Varsity volleyball coach Loni Smith reffed the games, and volleyball players line judged.

The seniors went undefeated and won the tournament by beating the freshmen,

sophomores, and teachers.

The senior team members were Brody Diekemper, Kaleb Eversgerd, Ethan Goodin,

Matthew Guthrie, Hayden Huels, Jacob Ruscher, Tanner Spieser, Rhettick Steinkamp, and

Brennan Taylor.

“The boys volleyball tournament was fun and I’m happy I got to play,” said senior Kaleb
