good citizens award winners

By: Lera Schmeink

Carlyle High School announced seniors Grace Edler and Rhettick Steinkamp are the

Good Citizens Award recipients on Oct. 15.

The purpose of this award is to recognize the students who show the qualities of

leadership, dependability, service, and patriotism.

Edler was selected for the Daughters of the American Revolution, or D.A.R., Good

Citizen Award, and Steinkamp was selected for the Sons of American Revolution, or S.A.R.,

Good Citizen Award.

The D.A.R. and S.A.R. are nationally known organizations, and each high school gets to

select one D.A.R. and S.A.R. Good Citizen.

Students are nominated by teachers and voted on by fellow seniors to earn the award.

“I’m thankful for the teacher who nominated me and the students who voted for me,” said


Those selected for the DAR get the opportunity to advance to an essay competition for

the chance to earn a scholarship.

Additionally, SAR’s are invited to a dinner with other SAR’s from the area.

“I really appreciate being voted for by my classmates for such an honorable award,” said
