Pork Chop Dinner flyer

By: Dominic Newcomb

The CHS Athletic Boosters plan to hold their annual porkchop dinner on Oct.11.

Tickets cost $14, and dinners will be dine-in or carryout at CHS from 3:30-6:30 p.m.

“I bought a ticket to support my school,” said senior football player Brody Diekemper.

Diekemper also said that the team participated in a bonding night to prepare for the event

by wrapping baked potatoes.

Each dinner includes a pork chop, baked potato, green beans, and applesauce.

All proceeds from ticket sales are used to help support the CHS athletics.

“I bought my ticket because the food is always really good, and I like to support my

school's teams,” said senior basketball and baseball player Jacob Rusher.

While tickets for the dinner were pre sold, they will also be available for purchase at the


For more information about the annual dinner, contact high school athletic director

Kerrick Rahm.