Mr. Derber poses with new book

By: Lera Schmeink

Carlyle High School history teacher Jesse Derber recently published his first book

“Abraham Lincoln: Statesman Historian”.

This new release is about Abraham Lincoln and how he used history in his political


According to Derber, in Lincoln’s time, people thought if someone could prove that the

Founding Fathers agreed to something, then it must be right. This prompted Lincoln to do a lot

of historical research to prove that the Founding Fathers shared his vision of what America

should be.

Derber got the idea for the book in 2019 and worked on it at home from time to time

until it was published by the University of Illinois Press on Sept. 24.

He was inspired to write it, after reading Lincoln’s speeches and wanting to know more.

Students and staff members are both excited about the book.

“I’m looking forward to purchasing this book, and any future works of his,” said senior

Lane Hummel.

“Abraham Lincoln: Statesman Historian” can be purchased online through Amazon or

Barnes and Noble for $24.95.

“I recently purchased this book, and it’s been hard to put it down,” said junior Kaelyn
