By: Alannah Sarclette
The Carlyle High School FBLA met for the first time on Sept. 3 to discuss plans and
events for the upcoming school year.
FBLA has to participate in various activities and events to earn points to qualify as a
Silver Champion Chapter.
“Some activities we have planned include celebrating American Enterprise Day, hosting a
‘Buddy Up!’ night, organizing FBLA week, and visiting local businesses,” said the FBLA
adviser Bridget McConnell.
The main goal of FBLA is to prepare students for careers in business and technology
throughout academic competitions, leadership development, and community involvement.
Students have the opportunity to compete in 76 competitive events. Some of the events
include Accounting, Business Communication, Human Resource Management, Graphic Design,
Healthcare Administration, Public Speaking, and Social Media Strategies.
Officers for the upcoming school year have not yet been chosen but will be voted on at
the next meeting on Sept. 20.