A cast of high school students will star in the production of “Bedtime Stories (As Told by

Our Dad - Who Messed Them Up)” in the Harriss Gymnasium on Nov. 1, 2, and 3.

Director and choir teacher Erika Register chose the play for its comedic appeal to

audiences of all ages.

The play features a father, played by Brennan Taylor, who tells his versions of popular

bedtime stories to his daughters, played by Macey Golder, Grace Hummel, and Amelia Tull.

The bedtime stories will be brought to life on stage by Grace Edler, Waverleigh Peters,

Chance Brewer, McKenna Salyers, Iris Swagler, Emily Zumwault,and Katelyn Schlarman.

The cast has high expectations heading into this season's show and are currently

rehearsing three nights a week to prepare for the November production.

“ I think it’s really funny. I’m enjoying it so far,” said cast member Grace Hummel, “We

are all hoping for it to be a great show and bring in positive attention.”

Ticket sales will be announced at a later date, but the planned pricing is $7 for adults and

$5 for students.

By: Brianna Roper