Mrs. Parker’s first-grade luau!
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Parker
first grade
Mrs. Wademan’s First Grade Luau
almost 4 years ago, Amy Wademan
First Grade Luau
First Grade Luau
First Grade Luau
Miss Alexander’s first grade Luau!
almost 4 years ago, Jamie Alexander
first grade
first grade
first grade
first grade
Mrs. Gansauer’s class would like to thank Hardee’s for their Penny Drive prize. The kindergartners enjoyed their kids meals for lunch today.
almost 4 years ago, Jenny Gansauer
Penny drive
Recess rock art!!! Looks great girls!!
almost 4 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
Our bee-friendly planters, made with our own compost, are going home today with Mrs. Nave's students. We hope you find a nice sunny place for your planters! Make sure to water them every few days. You can probably transplant them in a week or two.
almost 4 years ago, Nancy Nave
School Spirit planters
Congratulations to 3rd grade student, Aiden, on becoming a multiplication master!
almost 4 years ago, Lyndsie Lappe
Multiplication Master
As a reward for being a top class in the CGS Penny Drive, Mrs. Parker’s class got to have kids meals donated by Carlyle Dairy Queen for lunch! Thank you so much Carlyle Dairy Queen!
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Parker
I got to take this fine young man and his family out to eat today for lunch. He was our IPA student recognition award winner this year. Great job Kaden!! #prideinthetribe
almost 4 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
IPA lunch
Post 1 of 2! These 4 gentlemen became multiplication masters today! Great work Kaiden, Grady, Grant, and Daniel!
almost 4 years ago, Lyndsie Lappe
Multiplication Master
Multiplication Master
Multiplication Master
Multiplication Master
These 3 also became multiplication masters. Awesome job Zika, Riley, and Chase! They are ready for the ice cream party on Friday to celebrate their accomplishment!
almost 4 years ago, Lyndsie Lappe
Multiplication Master
Multiplication Master
Multiplication Master
A wonderful morning handing out a Caught Being Good Award!! Great job Lucy!! Our Tribe is so proud of you!!! #prideinthetribe
almost 4 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
caught being good
Third grade has another multiplication master! Great job, Wally!
almost 4 years ago, Lyndsie Lappe
multiplication master
Miss. Lappe’s 3rd grade math class had another student become a multiplication master! Congratulations, Macyn!
almost 4 years ago, Lyndsie Lappe
multiplication master
3 more 3rd graders have become multiplication masters! They have beat all math facts 0-12! Keep up the hard work Camden, Kenadee, and Grayson!
almost 4 years ago, Lyndsie Lappe
Multiplication Master
Multiplication Master
Multiplication Master
Third grade had two more students reach multiplication master today! Congratulations to Gavin and Aften!
almost 4 years ago, Lyndsie Lappe
multiplication master
multiplication master
Job Posting for School Cooks-
almost 4 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
HS Cooks Vacancy
Another wonderful morning handing out this Caught Being Good Award this morning!! Way to go Will!! Our TRIBE is so proud of you!! #prideinthetribe
almost 4 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
Caught Being Good
Mrs. Nave’s class would like to say THANK YOU to Carlyle Subway for sponsoring our Penny Drive. They really enjoyed their reward today at lunch!
almost 4 years ago, Nancy Nave
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Third grade has 3 new MULTIPLICATION MASTERS! They have beat all their multiplication facts. We are so proud of you!
almost 4 years ago, Lyndsie Lappe
Multiplication Master
Multiplication Master
Multiplication Master