Today Mrs. Nave’s class started investigating friction by comparing different materials. Students will be determine which materials have the most and least amount of friction.
Mrs. Edwards was awarded this month’s Teachers Appreciation Recognition from the PTO!! The grade school is very proud of her!!!
Second graders made wampum or decorative beads like the Wampanoag tribe.
Second graders are learning about the Wampanoag tribe and wampum by making clay beads.
Thank you veterans!! - Mrs. Gore’s 2nd grade! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Third graders salute our Veterans!
Thank you, Veterans!
Thank you veterans from Mrs. Wademan’s class!
Thank you to our Veterans.
Thank you Veterans from Mrs. Gansauer’s kindergarten class!
Thank You Veterans for your service from Mrs. Edwards’ Class!
Mrs. Jansen’s Class says thank you to our veterans!
Thank you to the Veterans for your service! From Ms. Ettleman’s class
Happy Veterans Day from Mrs. Parker’s class!
Congratulations to the November Star Students. Kindergarten-Abigail, 1st Grade-Anissa, 2nd Grade-Jackson, 3rd Grade-Raylee and 4th Grade-Kenadee.
Proudly, the Fourth graders display their Veterans.
Great way to start the long weekend by giving a Caught Being Good Award to this young man!! Great job!!
Great way to end the week!!! Handed out another Caught Being Good Award to this fine young man for choosing to do the right thing!! Our TRIBE is very proud of you!!!
Mrs. Nave’s Science students are experimenting this week with different paper bridge designs to see which will hold the most pennies. Friday they will design and build their final bridge and see whose will hold the most. Future engineers at work!!
This young lady was given a Caught Being Good Award this morning for doing the right thing!! Way to go!! Our TRIBE is so proud of you!!