Our first-grade scientists made a tool to observe the wind on this beautiful day!
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Parker
first grade
first grade
first grade
first grade
First-grade enjoyed the beautiful weather by reading outside today!
almost 3 years ago, Jamie Alexander
first grade
first grade
first grade
first grade
Thanks to the Carlyle PTO for purchasing 20 new banners to hang up throughout the school. Congratulations to Mrs. Rutz on being awarded the PTO teacher recognition award for this month!!
almost 3 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
Meet some of 4th Grade’s newest musicians!
almost 3 years ago, Morgan Hollenkamp
Straw Flute Fun!
Bob always loves to pick on the staff during his presentation!!
almost 3 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
Bob Tarter, from Animalogy, came to Carlyle Grade School today and did a presentation on nocturnal animals. Our kids and staff loved his presentation!!! #prideinthetribe
almost 3 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
The first-grade students loved listening to the duties of our mayor. Thank you for visiting Mayor Judy Smith!
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Parker
Thank you to the Carlyle High School FFA for reading to our First-grade tribe!!
almost 3 years ago, Jamie Alexander
first grade
first grade
first grade
first grade
Carlyle Unit District #1 would like to congratulate these 3 wonderful students from each building on being selected for the Illinois Principal Association award winners. Carlyle Grade School wants to congratulate their own amazing student!! Great job Aften!! #prideinthetribe
almost 3 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
More pictures of our FFA members reading to our kindergarten!!!!
almost 3 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
We had a new group of high school students that came and read to our kindergarten kids. We would love to thank the FFA members for doing a fantastic job!!! #prideinthetribe
almost 3 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
Carlyle High School is in need of a Sub Custodian. If you know anyone that is interested, please have them contact the high school. We are also still taking applications for bus drivers and a speech pathologist. All of this information can be found on our website at https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
almost 3 years ago, Annie Gray
Sub Custodian Job Posting
Congratulations to the March Star Students! Kindergarten - Kinsley, 1st Grade - Emma, 2nd Grade - Lexi, 3rd Grade - Chase and 4th Grade - Macyn. Keep up the hard work students!
almost 3 years ago, Mandy Boatright
March Star Students
4th Grade is exploring sound waves with balloons today!
almost 3 years ago, Morgan Hollenkamp
Fun, fun!
Thanks to the Lady Indians basketball team for coming down and reading to our kindergarten TRIBE!! #prideinthetribe
almost 3 years ago, Kerrick Rahm
Thanks to the Lady Indians basketball team for reading to our First-grade tribe!
almost 3 years ago, Jamie Alexander
first grade
first grade
first grade
first grade
Hats off for Dr. Seuss from the first-graders!
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Parker
first grade
first grade
Kindergartners enjoying some beautiful outside time on Wacky Wednesday!
almost 3 years ago, Michelle Edwards
The first-grade students enjoyed the weather in a wacky way!
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Parker
first grade
Due to potential weather overnight and the forecast of icing during school hours tomorrow, Thurs. Feb. 24th will be an E-Learning Day. Students at the Grade School were sent home with work today, Jr. High and High School students should check their Google Classrooms for their assignments. Teacher will be available from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. for questions and additional support.
almost 3 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
E Learning