A fantastic start to this Friday!!! This young lady was given a Caught Being Good Award for making great choices!!
Tomorrow, we will have 🎆GLOWSTICKS🎆 available to be purchased for $1 to kick off 🌟NEON DAY🌟
Congratulations to the January Star Students: KDG - Kole, 1st Grade - Seth, 2nd Grade - Paxton, 3rd Grade - Rhyder and 4th Grade - Adele.
This Friday, January 13th is an early dismissal. We are celebrating it with Neon Day! Wear your brightest colors to make this day 🎆POP🎆
Reminder-Carlyle CUSD #1 is still seeking applicants for a District Bookkeeper (Payroll/Human Resources). Please see our website for additional information: https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
Kindergarten celebrated the last day of Christmas break by ice skating in the hallway. They had a blast!!
Making Snowman snacks, bow parachute fun and finally a glow stick dance party in Mrs. Price’s room.
After reading the story “Moosletoe,” Mrs Price’s class decorated each other like Christmas trees.
Making Grinch kabobs in Mrs Price’s room.
Kindergarten had a visit from the Grinch and his helpers recently. Thanks to the folks at Carlyle Healthcare for the visit. The kids loved it!
Little Tribe had a great night last night cheering on the Lady Indians to victory!!!!
Thank you to the Carlyle Boys Basketball team for coming to read to the kindergartners today and also helping us with our Grinch activities!!
Thank you Carlyle High School boys basketball team for coming to read to our first grade tribe!
Carlyle CUSD #1 is seeking applicants for a District Bookkeeper (Payroll/Human Resources). Please see our website for additional information: https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
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Don’t forget tomorrow is Grinch Day!!
Terrific Thursday!!!! Able to start the day by recognizing this student for doing the right thing here at school. Our TRIBE is so proud!!!!
Carlyle Grade School students enjoyed listening to the CHS choir this afternoon.
CGS would like to thank all of our students for raising money for the Christmas Lights at the city park. We raised $208 for the parks department. Here is Ryan Meyer, parks director, receiving the check.
Congratulations to the December Star Students!!! 4th - Brynden, 3rd - Ky, 2nd - Grayson, 1st - Ryan, KDG - Brooks We are so proud of all of you!!
4th Graders were excited to see Piper today!