A fantastic first Friday!!!!!! This young lady was given a Caught Being Good Award 🥇 for helping out a new student!!! #prideinthetribe
over 1 year ago, Kerrick Rahm
Get ready for the first Purple and Gold Friday of the year🥳 💜💛We can’t wait to see your Indian Pride💜💛 #prideinthetribe
over 1 year ago, Kerrick Rahm
tribe day
The CGS staff welcomed our students on their first day back to a new school year!!!
over 1 year ago, Kerrick Rahm
✨Twas the night before school started,✨ When all through the town, The parent parents were cheering. It was a riotous sound!📣📣📣 By eight, kids are washed and tucked into bed, When memories of homework fill them with dread. New pencils✏️, new folders📂, new notebooks📒, too! New teachers, new friends Their anxiety grew. The parents just giggled when They learned of this fright And shouted upstairs- “Go to bed it’s a school night!" 🍎See you tomorrow, Little Tribe!
over 1 year ago, Jolyn Wreath
We’re excited to see you!
Updated Vacancy List: Carlyle CUSD 1 is seeking applicants for 2 Custodian positions (High School and Jr. High), Bus Driver and Bus Monitor. We also still have a few Assistant Coaching positions open as well. Please see our website for additional information- https://www.carlyle1.org/page/employment
over 1 year ago, Annie Gray
CGS Open House is just DAYS away! We are so excited to see everyone back in action and ready for the new school year. Don’t forget that we have awesome treats, Carlyle gear for purchase, and a rocking Photo Booth! 🏀 Coach Taylor and the boys basketball team will be selling refreshments. All proceeds will go toward CHS Basketball. Cash only. 👕 You can pick up your pre-orders from The Future of Agriculture. Didn’t pre-order? That’s okay! Kylee will still be taking orders! Cash, Venmo, or check. 📸 The Mod Social will be set up, so you can capture your favorite back-to-school memories. Doors are open from 5:30-6:30p DON'T FORGET YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES 😋
over 1 year ago, Morgan Hollenkamp
CHS Boys Basketball
The Future of Agriculture
The Mod Social
Open House is Monday, the 14th for CGS! We are so excited to see you! We are also incredibly pumped to host The Mod Social for our photo op and The Future of Agriculture for T-Shirt Designs. 📸Come ready to snap photos and share them directly to your phone with The Mod Socials innovative camera. ⭐️ CHS' own Kylee Wesselmann will be selling t-shirts and tumblers. Look for her business, The Future of Agriculture, as you enter our building. Want your 💜purple and gold gear💛 by the first day of school? Kylee is accepting pre-orders NOW! You have until August 7th to pre-order and have your items by the first day of school. Kylee will also take orders at Open House that she'll get to you after school starts. 👀See below how to pre-order! We'll see you the 14th! Doors open at 5:30p.
over 1 year ago, Kerrick Rahm
Open House
Open House Vendors
How to Pre-Order
Comment “interested” under desired design(s). Kylee will message you directly about order information.
Comment “interested” under desired design(s). Kylee will message you directly about order information.
Comment “interested” under desired design(s). Kylee will message you directly about order information.
Comment “interested” under desired design(s). Kylee will message you directly about order information.
Carlyle High School will be hosting a Blood Drive August 4th from 10:00 am to 2:00pm. Come donate to give hope and healing to those in need.
over 1 year ago, Chris Huels
Carlyle High School Blood Drive
Reminder- District Wide Registration is tomorrow, August 1st from 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. at the High School Library. All information is posted on our website. We will see you tomorrow! https://www.carlyle1.org/page/registration2324
over 1 year ago, Annie Gray
Reg Flyer
The time has come... it's time to MEET YOUR TEACHER! On August 14th, CGS doors will be open at 5:30 for your student to drop off their school supplies and say hello their new teacher. Come in at any time between 5:30 and 6:30, and be ready to take a photo or two! See you there!
over 1 year ago, Morgan Hollenkamp
See you there!
Who wants to join our amazing staff and get a chance to work with our outstanding students? We have updated our benefits package, please take a look! Updated Vacancy Lists (as of 7/25/23) and visit our website at https://www.carlyle1.org/page/employment
over 1 year ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Vac list 7 25 23
Coach Vac List 7 25 23
Carlyle Grade School would like to thank members of the CHS Boys Basketball team for coming out this morning and pulling weeds in our playground. Thanks for the help men!! #prideinthetribe
over 1 year ago, Kerrick Rahm
Jeff Teasley Mon, Jul 24, 11:18 PM (13 hours ago) to Jered, me The Carlyle Indian Spiritwear Store is open!! Go to the link below to access the Indian Spiritwear page. All orders will be sent to the school, and a pick up date will be announced. The Spiritwear Store will be open until August 8th. shop.avhinkandvinyl.com/carlyle_indians_spiritwear
over 1 year ago, Kerrick Rahm
Please share our Vacancy Lists with UPDATED BENEFITS PACKAGE!! You can also visit our website at https://www.carlyle1.org/page/employment
over 1 year ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Flyer 7 20 23
Coaching Flyer 7 20 23
It is about that time...We don't want to rush it, but we have started posting registration information on our school website. District wide registration is Tuesday, Aug 1st from 8:00 a.m.-7:00p.m. at Carlyle High School Library. Registration packets, health requirements (K, 2nd, 6th, 9th, 12th grades), supply lists and more can be found on our website at https://www.carlyle1.org/page/registration2324
over 1 year ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Reg Image
Carlyle Grade School would like to thank Dani Huels and Crave Shave Ice for bringing her mobile ice company to school to celebrate the last day of summer work. She also DONATED all the snow cones for our kids. Thank you very much!!!!! #prideinthetribe
over 1 year ago, Kerrick Rahm
Due to an internal move, we have an opening for a 4th Grade Teacher. The position teaches all sections of 4th Grade Math, so knowledge of 4th Grade Math Standards preferred- https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
over 1 year ago, Annie Gray
4th Grade Math
Please share our updated vacancy lists. The lists include certified and non-certified positions. All of our full-time positions offer 100% paid medical and dental insurance, paid time off, great work schedule, sick leave and longevity bonuses...and you get to work with the best staff around!! https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
over 1 year ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Cert Vac Flyer 6 2023
Support Staff Flyer 6 2023
Please share...
over 1 year ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Vac Notice Flyer
CGS would like to give a HUGE shoutout to these students!! They received their perfect attendance award yesterday. Not missing one day throughout the whole school year is a wonderful thing to achieve!! #prideinthetribe
over 1 year ago, Kerrick Rahm