Math with Mrs. Wademan
Phone: (618)-594-3766
Email: awademan@carlyle1.org
Illustrated Dictionary- Dictionary for MATH terms
Reading with Mrs. Wreath
Phone: (618)-594-3766
Email: jwreath@carlyle1.org
In reading, students will master comprehension skills and vocabulary strategies practiced during the week. We will end the week with a weekly reading assessment, also known as a cold read. These assessments correspond to the IAR testing that the students take in the spring. The cold read consists of two text passages that are new to the students. The passages are very similar and relate back to the genre and background that was discussed earlier in the week. Your student’s workshop book has every comprehension skill and vocabulary strategy for each week. These mini lessons are a great way to practice for the weekly reading assessment.
Language Arts with Ms. Hollenkamp
Phone: (618)-594-3766
Email: mhollenkamp@carlyle1.org

Language Arts, Math, and Reading with Mrs. Schilling